The Aunt Jemima Backstory

With the ongoing protests about the insane level of police violence and racial injustice in the USA, suddenly Aunt Jemima is back in the news. A false meme instantly began pushing a complete BS story about Nancy Green all over social media.  Then I received the same meme in an email.

You can imagine that I, your humble fact-checking and “backstories” writer, just had to make this post. More

“They said it didn’t matter” (a mess of propaganda and lies, with replies)

Sigh, another day, another crazy right wing email.  This one was credited to  John W. Wallace, a self proclaimed “oathkeeper” teabagger, birther, and far-right activist, but I did not see it on his website, so it may have falsely been attributed to him.   It is so full of misinformation, typical FOX “news” innuendo, and outright lies — AND it is so very LONG, that I didn’t really want to take the time to address each and every item.

Being an actual liberal progressive person, I didn’t originally feel that I wanted or needed to defend Obama, since he’s so middle of the road, so compliant to the reich wing, so ready to compromise, and, well, so generally conservative He’s surely not radical, and if I would compare him to any previous President, it might be republican President Eisenhower.

I’ve never been happy with an American President during my lifetime, so why start now?  But the vitrol of the email and its pure stupidity made me decide to start a response.  Although written in the spirit of the sports-team mentality of “my guys are always right, the other guys are always wrong”… it’s worse than that.  It deceives and misdirects people’s energy.  WE the PEOPLE should be helping each other, coming together to force change.  Instead we are too easily divided.  Obama is a politician, like other politicians.  In America, politicians work for the wealthy.  Until we change that system, we will continue to have to choose between politicians that the wealthy find acceptable.  So I found this email to be damaging, divisive, and false…and felt like I had to address it.

I searched in vain for any other posts or sites that already addressed this particular email, and found none.  UPDATE: I’ve since learned that a very smart liberal blogger posted a copy of this email back in 2009, So evidently my reich-wing email sender is way, way behind in his propaganda promotion.  So, I’m currently posting this as a work in progress.  I may fill in more answers over time, but probably will just move on.  Feel free to look up some of the items I’ve not yet addressed, and email them to me via this site if you’d like to update it.  I’d love any help I can get in addressing this mountain of misinformation…and will happily credit YOU for your contribution.

Here it is, with replies in bold.



Your initial statement is ridiculous.  Firstly, exactly HOW is America even close to being a “socialist” country?  Right Wingers constantly use this word as a knee-jerk slur, yet few seem to even know what they’re talking about. Can you even define “socialism”?   How does it work?  What do you find bad about it?  And how on earth could the U.S. be considered even remotely socialist?  Because we collectively build roads that anyone can use and hire firefighters who will save both the rich and the poor?  Oooh, the horror!  Come on, this is a meaningless and ridiculous statement. More