What’s REALLY In The Mueller Report?

OK, so the Mueller Report is finally completed.  Will we see it?  Will Congress?  Or are we supposed to just take the word of an extreme right-wing political hack expressly placed into office by tRump to protect himself? “Coverup General” Barr “auditioned” for the roll by stating on record that a President could not, by definition, obstruct justice.  Because he IS the law?  What?  Nixon said something similar, and we know how that worked out.

At least 16 members of the tRump campaign have had over 100 contacts with at least one  hostile government who has hacked into our voting machines, electric grid, and voter rolls: Russia.  Mueller’s investigation led to the indictments of 34 people thus far, including eight Americans affiliated with the tRump campaign or administration, and three Russian companies.

And, with the Mercer family’s Cambridge Analytica sharing the most confidential and prized stolen Facebook data and polling information with the Russians — so the Russians could maximize their influence and install tRump — we can suspect that he was placed into our White House as an asset.  Yet, magically, Barr says “no collusion”.

We don’t know how long Mueller’s report is. Is it hundreds of pages, [plus supporting documents?  More?  We do know it drew on the work of 19 lawyers & 40 FBI agents, 2.8k subpoenas, about 500 witness interviews, and 13 requests to foreign governments . And Barr expects us to believe he’s summarized it all in a day and a half, in four short pages?  Really?

The report is not public yet. But we DO know that Mueller (via the SDNY) already named tRump as a co-conspirator to 2 felonies. At least.

Here are the ongoing investigations into tRump, his campaign, “charities” & his businesses; many involving pre- and post-election multinational collusion*:

We’ve spent the past two years watching tRump commit obstruction of justice right in front of our faces.  We heard him say in a televised interview that he fired Comey because of Russia.  We saw him invite representatives of a hostile government into the White House with no US media allowed. We saw him say that he believed Putin over our intelligence agencies – and those of multiple countries.  We know he met multiple times in secret with Putin, and he refuses to divulge what was said or agreedup on. We watched him glorify murderous dictators and claim to “love” them, while disparaging our democratic allies.  We watch our democracy being debased day by day…tweet by tweet. We’ve seen an explosion of trump-inspired right-wing terrorist attacks – and threats of future violence made by Roger Stone and other tRump allies, not to mention tRump himself.

All this corruption – and the majority of people did not vote for tRump.

But hey, let’s take the word of William Barr — a right-wing political hack and tRump political appointee chosen specifically to help undermine justice. Nothing to see here!

(by the way, Barr’s son-in-law got a cushy job in trump’s legal team just last month. But surely they didn’t coordinate information or anything.  Just like tRump isn’t really still running his companies, and never, ever discusses them with his dullard sons.)

Is there anyone in the United States who believes tRump is “innocent”?


*Thanks to Seth Abramson for the list of active investigations

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