The History Behind the 2016 Coup

Sometimes it’s challenging to decide where to start with a Backstory.  History’s threads weave through a lot of current events.  But the coup of November 2016 has a somewhat clear place to start.  Let’s look at a bit of history for the backstory.

In 1933, wealthy right-wing  corporatists conspired to execute a coup and oust FDR, disliking his New Deal policies of helping the poor, ending child labor – and his decision to stop using the US Military to support oppressive corporations like United Fruit in the third world.

Their goal was to emulate the corporate fascism of Hitler and Mussolini that was happening in Europe at that time, instead of what was shaping up to become a liberal democracy.


General Smedley Butler

They approached Marine General Smedley Butler, the most highly respected Military officer in the US at the time,  for assistance — but they guessed wrong.  He remained loyal and gathered details, then, reported the treasonous conspirators.  The attempted coup, now often called The Wall Street Putsch,  failed.  There were some hearings, but, the House was reluctant to investigate such wealthy pillars of society.  In fact, being wealthy, the plotters were not held to account. (If you do a search for “FDR coup Gen Smedly Butler”online, you’ll find a large amount of information.) For the most factual read,  Here are transcripts of General Butler’s testimony and later interviews giving tons of detail.

Next time, a more subtle plot had to be devised.

Wealthy corporatists  came up with a devious plan, slowly building their control over government over several decades through electing conservative Republicans and “Blue Dog” Democrats. More

RIP Democracy – Staying in Love and Finding Our Courage

I haven’t wanted to write this, or even voice it.  The pain and shock is still too raw, and everyone I know is suffering anxiety, stomach troubles, depression, and sleepless nights from the recent “election”.

I don’t want to destroy any shreds of hope that all my friends are clinging to… “We’ll run this person in 2018.”  “We’ll run that person in 2020.”

Really?  You think so?  Really?

Today the only thing I have to to offer is that by remaining rooted in compassion, and refusing to conform to the new regime of cruelty and ignorance, we each can be a force for good.  We may be called upon to help our neighbor being accosted by racists, we may have to help families flee their homes.  We may have to stand up to militarized police, as some of us are doing right now at Standing Rock.  And like our brothers and sisters and Standing Rock, many of us will be injured, arrested, and it’s quite likely that some of us will be killed in the process. Corporate control has already been bad, as we’ve seen police attack meditators during the Occupy protests and praying Water Protectors at Standing Rock.  It’s been bad, but with at least a few voices in government standing for common decency and compassion.

I hope I’m wrong.  I hope there’s something I’ve missed.  But as a student of human nature and a student of history, what I’m seeing is like a slow-motion car wreck.  Because it appears that the last impediment to complete corporate control in the USA will be removed on  Jan 21.

And by reminding ourselves that we can remain a voice for the voiceless, and reminding ourselves that only 25% of eligible voters actually voted for this regime, we can recall that most people in the US are decent, good people.  There may be comfort in knowing that others in repressive regimes have made a difference for the downtrodden.  We can do the same. 

Raising our voices for justice will be required.  Remaining rooted in compassion will be essential.

Essential… because things are going to get intense.

Because I do believe that the dream of a United States is one an equal and just society, where every person has value – that dream is over.

I wish I didn’t believe this.  Today I see no solution that can be accomplished by rules, procedure, or voting in its present gerrymandered, suppressed, form.   And being someone who always looks for solutions and a way to stay positive, this is especially painful for me; I’m profoundly sorry.  And my heart is broken.

For the courageous amongst us, please read on.


A New, Delicate Balance of Activism and Love

Those who are paying attention are aware that the US government will be taken over by true fascism come Jan 21. A pro-torture, pro-war, racist, white nationalist, anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti LGBTQ, anti-civil rights, anti-free speech regime has committed a coup (with the help of far-right elements within the FBI and Russian hackers). trumpreichAccording to the NSA, the 2016 elections were hacked and manipulated  — even though the majority of citizens are repulsed by their ideas.  And even though their opponent has, at this writing, about 1.5 MILLION more votes, and counting.

Those in government and the press have accepted the results and are readying us to comply with the new fascism.  But we will not.

We are now being called to walk in a very specific state of consciousness: we who are loving, caring, people cannot allow ourselves to be drawn down into the hate and violence of the tRump regime and  his “brownshirt” supporters. But neither can we just hope that meditation, staying positive, and remaining centered will protect the defenseless.  History shows us that all our beautiful energy cannot always stop monsters. More

This is Why We Are in the Street

racism112Now that Trump has won the electoral college (and lost the popular vote) in the United States election, this man who has unleashed so much racist, misogynist and xenophobic hatred will soon be installed as president of a vast, multi-cultural nation.  And the people are in the streets worldwide. #NotMyPresident

I am seeing conservatives post on social media criticizing the massive nationwide demonstrations. Many implying that the citizenry are merely “upset that their side lost”.



  • Have you not seen the KKK victory paradeskkktrumprally983601
  • Have you not seen homes defaced with swastikas?
  • Have you not seen the nooses left (often with black dolls lynched) in peoples’ yards?
  • Have you not seen the children of color being bullied and taunted — often by cruel white adults – that they will soon be deported?
  • Have you not seen trolls attacking Jews on social media, saying that tRump will soon “re-start the ovens”?
  • Have you not seen graffitti with “Fu*k N*ggers” sprayed on cars, homes and businesses?  People of color are being told to “get to the back of the bus”.
  • Have you not seen peaceful Muslims threatened?
  • Have you not seen the assaults and even murders of people of color which began on the night of the election?
  • Have you not seen the attacks upon the LGBTQIA community (“We got a new president you f*cking faggots”)
  • Have you not seen men threatening women – especially gay women – with the slogan “Trump that Bitch”?

Yes, the word “tRump” is now a threatening euphemism for lynching, rape, beatings and murder. More

Fact-Checking BS Emails

It’s that time again!  The presidential election brings the crazies out of their basements and think-tanks to compete in the “BS Email & Social Media Follies”.

Lots of people have asked me how to go about fact-checking, so let’s discuss it here.

First, let’s take a look at fact-checking, and a few tips on how to spot a BS email or post.

How To Spot a BS Email or Post

  • A BS Email claims to be factual, rather than opinion.  And it is full of fake “facts”, quotes, and lots of hyperbole.  A false message often contains a tiny grain of truth.  This is done to give “cover” or deniability to the liar, and it also gives lazy readers a false sense that the entire message must be true.  Let’s not be lazy readers, my friends!  If something is just too “on the nose”, or fits a political narrative a bit too exactly, don’t forward or re-post it until you’ve checked it out.
  • If a quote seems out of character for the person to whom it was attributed, check it.
  • Always suspect emails with giant font, a lot of exclamation points and ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!  (If you can imagine someone hysterically yelling the message, definitely check it.)
  • If the post or email quotes a known propagandist or propaganda organization, be suspicious.  (There are some individuals who have made a very good living twisting words, telling outright lies, and especially, selling hate and fear of “the other”.  They often refer to themselves as “real Americans” and other people as outsiders.  Always fact-check anything these people say.)

There are several types of people who contribute to a “successful” BS email or social media meme:

  1. The despicable people who knowingly create these emails and posts, and who don’t care that remembernews82_nthey’re terrifying our elderly and uneducated, since their goal is to gain votes through deceitful manipulation.
  2. The above mentioned elderly, who came from a time when creating a fake TV “news” station or building a website based on false “information” would be considered shameful. Yes, there was a time when a reporter strove for honesty and tried to be impartial. After all, the airwaves belong to the U.S. citizens, and a person using these airwaves had an ethical obligation to help educate and enlighten citizens, not outright manipulate them.   Sorry, that time is long gone. (You cannot blindly believe what you see on television or read in an email or see on a website.)
  3. The uneducated, who do believe what they read or see without fact-checking.
  4. All of the above people, who forward BS emails to vast numbers of people, continuing the cycle of dumbing-down the country.

A great example: Today an email came forwarded to me printed in GIANT BOLD COLORED FONT and of course, lots of exclamation points!!!!!!: the better to scare you with, my dear. More

Bernie says Hillary on worst day better than any GOP on best – The Supreme Court

BirdieSandersAnyone who’s read this blog for any amount of time knows that I’m an enthusiastic Bernie supporter.

Bernie — plus a HUUUGE  turn-out for Progressives in the Senate and House  — could mean a GREAT change for the citizens of this country:


  • Imagine an economy designed to actually serve the citizens instead of only the elite.
  • Imagine FDR’s Second Bill of Rights becoming reality.
  • Imagine getting money out of politics and having an actual democracy.
  • Imagine the end of “too big to fail”, breaking up the big banks, and ending monopolies — especially that of our of our media institutions, so that the citizenry could have a chance to hear diverse opinions and values.
  • Imagine single payer health care, freeing us all from the profiteering insurance, medical and pharmacy complexes.
  • Imagine restoring our infrastructure, with the federal government creating good jobs as the CCC and other government programs that lifted our citizenry out of poverty in the 1930s.
  • Imagine our country getting very serious about cleaning up our environment, tackling it like we did the race to land on the moon back in the 1960s.
  • Imagine our taxes actually being spent on making ALL our lives better, creating more EQUALITY and SERVICES for ALL — instead of subsidizing multinational corporations, polluting corporations, Big-AG, and “defense” contractors.
  • Imagine restoring the tax rate on the wealthy plutocrat/polluter class to what it was during Eisenhower, when the US economy created the biggest middle-class in history: with unions insuring good wages, good benefits, vacation and retirement for the workers who actually built this country.


Democratic Socialism and Un-Democratic US Oligarchs

Let’s talk a little bit about Democratic Socialism, such as found in Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Who doesn’t want a society that is based upon equality?

Who doesn’t want a society where each member is well educated and healthy?

Why do you think Democratic Socialist societies are alway — always– listed in the top Happiest Countries on Earth?  Every Year.

It is because the taxes they collectively pay are used to provide each member of their society with high quality health care, high quality education, and social services. More

Bernie: an FDR Democrat who Deserves YOUR Vote

Bernie refers to himself as a Democratic Socialist, and we’ve looked at Democratic Socialist countries before in this blog.

There’s a reason that these people, with their “high taxes” are consistently listed in the top Happiest Countries on Earth.   And it’s because their taxes provide top-notch services that improve their lives, both independently and as a society.

FDR announced the 2nd Bill of Rights in 1944, in his January State of the Union address. More

Another Reply to Old Right Wing Email, “The Fence”

Several years ago I posted a reply to the right-wing propaganda email, “The Fence”.  Today I found another response (written ‘way back in 2010) that was so excellent I’ve posted it below.  It’s from DailyKos author aarujo; read the entire article here.


If a Democrat hears about a crime in his neighborhood, he calls the cops, and then finds out if his local police department is adequately funded.

If a Republican hears about a crime in his neighborhood, he buys a gun and gets shot by his wife when he’s drunk. Unless his kid used it to shoot the neighbor kid first.

If a Democrat has a religion, he practices it at home and at church.
If a Republican has a religion, everyone must practice it in all public places, schools and courthouses.

If a Democrat isn’t a homosexual, he doesn’t have sex with homosexuals.
If a Republican isn’t a homosexual, he wants to ban homosexuals from ever enlisting in the military and getting married (because there’s nothing worse than a monogamous homosexual) but will still have sex with them in a public restroom.

If a Democrat sees his hard-working neighbor out of a job, he wonders if any of the existing economic policies cost him his job, how this can be corrected, and how society can help him until he gets back to work.
If a Republican sees his hard-working neighbor out of a job, he assumes the guy is lazy or being punished by God.

If a Democrat doesn’t like a talk show host, he changes stations…and finds that they are all Republicans even though half or more Americans are Democrats.
If a Republican doesn’t like a talk show host, he calls him a terrorist-loving, America-hating traitor who should be shot (or maybe that was just Rush Limbaugh).

If a Democrat has good health insurance, he wonders if others have it too and how he can help them get it.
If a Republican has good health insurance, he doesn’t give a crap if other people die in the streets like unwanted dogs.

If a Democrat hears a good idea like “Love your neighbor as yourself,” they try to live by it.
If a Republican hears a good idea like that, they make a long list of exceptions to the rule, to include women, minorities, immigrants, gays….

Lastly, if a Democrat gets an un-sourced email, he wonders if it was concocted by some big DC-based corporate public relations lobbying firm who knows just how to push Republicans’ buttons.
If a Republican gets an un-sourced email, he forwards it without thought because it pushed all his buttons.


Christian Dominionists

UPDATE Feb 4 2017: With the recent election coup which placed Dominionist Mike Pence into the Vice Presidency, it is more urgent than ever to be aware of, and understand the goals of Christian Dominionism.


Christian Dominionism is a term that encompasses a variety of Christian conservative groups including:

  • Moral Majority
  • Christian Reconstructionism
  • Christian Nationalism
  • Quiverfull , The Gathering etc
  • The Christian Right
  • The Tea Party

Basing their ideas on a very literal version of the old testament bible, Domionists believe that the United States was founded as a “Christian Nation” — ignoring the Enlightenment period in which our country was founded, which centered upon reason as the primary source of authority, and the fact that “god” is not mentioned in the Constitution.  Their unifying goal is to end our secular democracy, and to substitute a “Biblical” Theocracy in its place.  And they’ve completely taken over the GOP.

To me, the importance of keeping as many of these people out of government right now is top priority, even over making a third-party protest vote.  Why?  Because these people are not only deranged, but they are dangerous religious zealots.

Those of us who believe in freedom, justice, and love… need to be aware of this movement, and share our knowledge with others.  Understanding their worldview can help us work against their goals.

Dominionism Defined: The belief that Christians are destined to take over and rule the world by taking “dominion” over the political process and reinstituting biblical law. Many perceive this as a campaign to use the United States military to create a global Christian Empire.

Think it can’t happen here?  Take a look at this graphic.  It shows a relatively secular, open society in pre-Ayatolla Iran 1970s.  Afghanistan had a similar open society before they, too, were overtaken by religious zealots.

Iranian College Students, late 1960s or early 1970s

Iranian College Students, late 1960s or early 1970s

These countries were NOT ALWAYS controlled by conservative fundamentalists.  Women had access to education and employment.  Then  their Religious Right  took over.

Iranian College Women

BEFORE:Iranian College Women Enjoying Education 







Iranian Women After Taliban

AFTER:Iranian Women No Education Allowed







Unimaginable as it is, we must now protect our society so that we can continue to evolve into a more just, fair society — or we may face a similar fate.  The most strict Domionists advocate biblical death penalties for a variety of “offenses”. More

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